Sweet Sisters

For there is no friend like a sister 
In calm or stormy weather;
 To cheer one on the tedious way, 
To fetch one if one goes astray, 
To lift one if one totters down, 
To strengthen whilst one stands.  Author: Christina Rossetti

I have two sweet sisters. Two sisters who can be the same and yet so different. We all take care of each other, we are there for each other whenever one is in need. We can be each others fiercest supporter and on the other hand disagree to an extreme degree. No matter our differences we always stand by each other.

I enjoy spending time with my sisters. On a few occasions we have traveled together and it is always an adventure and so much fun. One important thing I have learned during my life is that when you travel with someone whether sister or friend, you have to compromise. Compromise on food, music, places to stay, sites to see and things to do.

My younger sister and I took a road trip this past week. If you read my blog on 7/11/14 (What we do for our children) you know what the purpose of the trip was.

We left behind our children. I left my seven teens and above aged children with my husband. I did prepare a few meals for them to give my husband a break. I know he was slightly overwhelmed but he survived. Tara on the other hand left two adorable little ones eight and seven years old with our parents. Her children definitely had a hard time with the separation.

Tara and I did some preparation for our trip last week. We planned out how we wanted this trip to go and what we needed for the journey. The main goal besides getting Camille’s car safely to her was to enjoy the trip, and that we did!

Items we took to survive our 20 hour road trip:

  • Map (my iPhone worked great)
  • Snacks (Isalean Protein shake, Isalean bars, fiber snacks, fresh fruit, dried fruit, almonds, chips (need something salty), H20
  • Music
  • Comedy CD’s: Bill Cosby
  • Books on CD: we both like Agatha Christie mysteries (yay)

Here are a few tips that worked for us.

  • Take it slow, we drove about 5-6 hours each day
  • Go to bed each night to at least sleep 7 hours (stopped in to see some of our family along the way)
  • Wake up to your bodies clock
  • Enjoy the scenery (we took a side trip to Yosemite)

Trip Map

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